Travel Journals for June

We’ll be talking about nature journaling while traveling. What do you really need? How do you make time to journal when you’re on the move? How do you prepare? How can you go on a mini travel adventure from home?

As before, we will have a fun, quick project to do together, so make sure you have paper and art supplies nearby (I mean, really, you should ALWAYS have paper and art supplies nearby).

Note: You have to be a member of our email list to get a zoom invite.

Email us or fill out the online form to get on the email list or if you have questions:

Next Meeting: June 5, 2022 at 2pm Hawaii Time

Hawaii time: 2pm

Alaska time: 4pm

Pacific Daylight time: 5pm

Eastern time zone: 8pm

(Or you can use this website to calculate your local time: )