Look up! May Meeting

The theme for our second online club meeting is “Look up!” and we will talk about all the things we can see when we look up at the sky.

It’s on the Sunday, May 15, at 5pm PDT (2pm Hawaii time). Note that I changed the time to be a little later in the day, hope that works for more people! Please let me know if another time or date would be better for you.

As before, we will have a fun, quick project to do together, so make sure you have paper and art supplies nearby (I mean, really, you should ALWAYS have paper and art supplies nearby).

If you’ve been nature journaling before, bring a favorite journal page to share (I’m especially excited to see your work based on our April theme of “Mixed-up Animals” but you can share whatever you want.) And if you’re new to nature journaling, come ready to learn!

Our club is geared towards tweens (9-12 year olds) but all ages and abilities are welcome.

Note: You have to be a member of our email list to get a zoom invite.

Email us or fill out the online form to get on the email list or if you have questions: juniorjournalersclub@gmail.com

When: Sunday, May 15

Hawaii time: 1pm

Alaska time: 3pm

Pacific Daylight time: 4pm

Eastern time zone: 7pm

(Or you can use this website to calculate your local time: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter )