Putting it All Together: Art Camp Week 3

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Take a Break

Hi! Before we start, can I ask you something?Are you as tired as I am? Has this last week seemed like it lasted a month? It’s… been a lot. That’s okay. Art can help. I like to just scribble sometimes. Make lots and lots of different sized circles. Cover a page with spirals. Or different types of wiggly lines. Use all the colors!

Ahhh, that feels better.

Begin by looking in a mirror. Smile at yourself. Wave! Give yourself a compliment. “You are wonderful just the way you are.”

  1. Look at your eyes. Use your fingers to measure where they are on your face. Are they up high? Down low? Or maybe… in the middle of your face? Is this surprising to you? It is for many people, because when we think of faces, we forget about our boring foreheads. But itʻs important to make sure our eyes are in the right place to start!
  2. How big are your eyes? How far apart are they?
  3. Whatʻs the shape of your eyebrows?
  4. What about your nose? Where does it start? How does it connect to the other parts of your face? What shape does it make at the end?
  5. Look at your mouth. How wide it is it? How does it change when you smile and frown?
  6. Make a silly face in the mirror just because itʻs fun!

Iʻve got a blank face, baby (and you’ll draw your face)

Taylor Swift, lyrics, anyone? No? Just me? Anyway. Here’s a blank face with the basic facial proportions (that means the measurements) along with an example of how to fill it in. Note: these are based off of my own face, and I’m an adult! Your face might be different based on how old you are and where you’re from. Maybe these measurements just don’t look right to you. If this isn’t helpful, don’t use it! Make it work for YOU!

Notice the line for the hairline at the top, the little dash marks for the size of the eyes, then there’s a line for the bottom of the nose, and under that, one for the mouth.

You Need to Calm Down

Whew! That was a lot of thinking. And measuring. Now just let loose and DRAW. Draw all sorts of eyes all sorts of ways. Make a face that’s ANGRY or old or a baby. Or draw someone very happy! Give them a tiny hat or maybe some kitty ears.

Or… just close your eyes and take a nap? That sounds good to me.