It’s okay to not be okay

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Today I’m going to talk about something difficult. Shame.

(Video transcript below)

It’s totally normal to feel embarrassed or frustrated by your art. To feel like “I’m no good at drawing faces,” or” I can’t do this,” or even, “I suck at art.”

Everyone has thoughts like that. The key is knowing that these feelings are normal and part of the process. These uncomfortable feelings are your brain telling you that you’re not where you’re supposed to be. 

I’m here to tell you that you are exactly where you should be. There is nothing wrong with you. 

Drawing faces is hard. So much of our brain is devoted to recognizing faces and facial expressions. 

Humans are social animals, so who is around us and what they are feeling is very important to us. 

This means we notice right away if something seems a little bit… off. 

The path from beginner to expert is long and challenging, and no one gets there in one day or even one year. 

That’s why I’m giving you bonus projects each week to draw something silly. So you get comfortable with drawing things that look weird. This is to teach your brain that it is fun to draw no matter how the picture ends up looking. 

The only way to get to a place where you feel proud of your art is to continue drawing through all the awkward and uncomfortable stages. 

You are allowed to accept your art and yourself exactly as you are, while also working, step by step, day by day, to strengthen your skills. 

An artist is someone who makes art. Art is whatever you make. So keep drawing, and don’t give up, and find a way to have fun with the process.