Expressing Emotions: Art Camp Week 6

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Emotions! We all have them. Now let’s learn how to draw them!

Happy, sad, angry, scared, surprised, bored, confused, silly

Look in the mirror or partner up with someone in your household. Make very exaggerated faces to express different emotions. Pay attention to the location, direction, and shape of the different parts of the face as the emotions change. What happens to the eyes and eyebrows, and the skin around them? How about the nose? The mouth?

This website has a fabulous collection of different emotions… on cats! A bit different than people but the idea is the same:

When you’re feeling ready, try drawing some of these different expressions!

A quick video tutorial on drawing faces showing different emotions.

How are you feeling? Pahea ‘oe?

Here’s a quick little cartoon printable of funny faces for you to practice different shapes for different emotions.

I feel like I need to learn more!

If you really want to go into this topic in more detail, check out this site: