Junior Nature Journaler’s Zoom for April

For kids & tweens who love nature, art, writing, and science. This is a FREE online class every  third  second* Thursday of the month, designed to connect kids with nature. Each month is a different topic, with activities to inspire kids to draw, write, share, and learn from each other. You can view the themes here: https://katerighter.com/2023-schedule/ […]

Junior Nature Journaler’s Zoom for May

For kids & tweens who love nature, art, writing, and science. This is a FREE online class every third  Thursday of the month, designed to connect kids with nature. Each month is a different topic, with activities to inspire kids to draw, write, share, and learn from each other. You can view the themes here: https://katerighter.com/2023-schedule/ Note: You have to be […]

Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference

The Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference is an annual event that gathers people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in nature’s beauty. The 2023 online event will include more than 30 teachers, journalers, writers, […]

Nature Journaling @ Noelani Craft and Children’s Fair

I will be at the booth for Manoa Heritage Center offering a quick, free nature journaling activity for anyone who stops by. Details: http://www.noelanipta.org/craft-fair.html Note: the fair runs from 9am-2pm, but I'll only be there from 9-11am.